
About a year ago, I could tell that there were some serious issues with my take on shopping. My wife was always trying to drag me to stores, and I just felt really out of place. One day, I realized that thinking about shopping in a new way might help me to enjoy the experience a little more. I started focusing on the positive things about finding beautiful new items, and it was amazing to see how much of a difference it made. This blog is all about learning to enjoy shopping and making it a part of your normal, everyday life.

5 Tips For A Better Trip To The Mall

23 August 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Online shopping has certainly made it convenient to purchase items without even leaving the couch. Yet, there is still something magical and enjoyable about visiting the mall. It's as much about the experience as it is about finding good deals. Here are some tips to make your next trip to the mall even more memorable. 1. Visit on a weekday. Weekends are certainly the most popular time to visit the mall, but if you can manage to take a day off from work in the middle of the week to go shopping, you'll have an even better time. Read More …

How To Help Your Child Learn To Play The Piano

23 August 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

There are many reasons to teach your child to play an instrument. Children who study music usually do better in school, particularly in math. Plus, music is a great vehicle for self-expression. When you want your child to learn to play an instrument, you should encourage them to play the piano. The piano is a wonderful, classical instrument with a great range. Learning to play the piano also opens up many doors, musically speaking. Read More …

Ways To Sleep Cooler At Night

27 June 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

On hot summer nights, you may find it difficult to sleep because your room and your bed are too hot. Overheating at night has a profound effect on your quality of sleep and be a source of frustration. However, there are things you can do to help cool down your body, including the use of a gel-infused latex mattress. Here are some tips on sleeping cooler without air conditioning. Use Cooler Bedding Read More …

3 Tips To Help You Get A Great Deal On Small Appliances

11 May 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Small appliances can make your life easier in the kitchen. Some of the most common small appliances include coffee makers, toasters, blenders, crock pots, waffle makers, and griddles. If you are in the market for one or more small appliances, you may be holding out until you find a stellar deal. Here are a few tips to help you get a great deal on small appliances.  1.  Shop Around a Holiday Read More …

4 Tips For Collectables And Keepsakes

23 March 2019
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Being a lover of art, sports, and multimedia gives you a chance to collect lots of memorabilia. Your fandom isn't complete until you land some really cool or hard to find collectables. When you are thinking about which collectables you'd like to have in your home, these four will be great for you. 1. Search for Funko Pops in all of the areas you love Action figures are a collector's paradise. Read More …